Wool, plaids and bouclés: a guide to winter fabrics for home decorating

December 15, 2023
Tips for choosing winter fabrics for home decorating

With the arrival of winter, the house is transformed into a nest of warmth and coziness, where every detail counts to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. At the heart of this transformation are winter fabrics, key elements that dress spaces, giving them life and warmth.

Our selection for December focuses on warm and cozy fabrics, chosen for their ability to instill a sense of comfort and warmth in any home environment.

Winter velvet upholstery fabrics from Designers Guild's Marquise Graphite collection.
Winter furnishing fabrics can be used to make plaids and blankets but also to cover sofas and armchairs or as decoration for cushions or indoor curtains

Wool: natural warmth and autumn elegance

Wool, with its rich history and natural ability to insulate, is a mainstay of winter comfort. This fabric, prized for its thermal properties, is ideal for those seeking warmth and elegance during the colder months. A wool blanket, perhaps made in fall hues such as burgundy, olive green or burnt orange, not only adds an extra level of comfort to your living room, but brings with it a touch of rustic, timeless elegance.

Wool is beautifully suited to a variety of uses in home furnishings. It is not limited to blankets and plaids, but extends to rugs, pillows, and even curtain covers. Restoring or upholstering an armchair in wool can create a focal point of a reading nook, while wool pillows can transform a sofa into an invitation to relax and cuddle.

A sofa upholstered in Designers Guild's winter bouclé fabric.
A sofa upholstered in Designers Guild’s winter bouclé fabric: a touch of elegance and comfort to the living room

Velvet: luxury and elegance

Velvet is a fabric that embodies luxury and elegance, with a history that is lost in the centuries. Its soft texture and subtle sheen make it an ideal choice for those who want to add a touch of sophistication to winter interiors. Velvet, particularly the “Marquise Graphite” from Designers Guild, is a sublime example of how this material can transform a simple piece of furniture into a statement piece. With its rich and deep texture, it offers a great sense of visual and tactile comfort.

Graphite-colored velvet from Designers Guild's Marquise collection.
Graphite velvet from Designers Guild’s Marquise collection is a clear example of how this winter furnishing fabric can make refined rooms
Bouclé fabric from Dedar's Magnolia collection to upholster an armchair
An example of how bouclé fabric from Dedar’s Magnolia collection is suitable for upholstering armchairs and sofas, creating a warm atmosphere for the winter months

The bouclé: texture and comfort

Bouclé is a fabric that is rapidly gaining popularity in the world of interior design because of its unique and cozy texture. This loop-textured material offers rich texture and an unparalleled tactile experience, making it perfect for adding a touch of sophistication and comfort to home environments.

A notable example of this trend is Dedar’s “Magnolia” collection, which illustrates the inherent elegance and versatility of bouclé. This fabric is particularly suitable forupholstering sofas and armchairs, as well as for making decorative pillows that can transform a living room from ordinary to extraordinary. Its three-dimensional texture adds depth and visual interest, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, ideal for the winter months.

Tweed, tartan and plaid: tradition and character

Traditional fabrics such as tweed, tartan, and various plaids are steeped in history and character, bringing with them a sense of tradition and rustic comfort. These fabrics, often associated with English and Scottish styles, are perfect for adding a touch of warmth and personality to winter environments. Their sturdy texture and distinctive patterns make them ideal choices to add character and warmth to any space.

These iconic fabrics find their ideal place both in mountain chalets, where they add a sense of refuge and warmth, and in more luxurious and sophisticated furnishings. Brands such as Ralph Lauren have made these materials synonymous with timeless luxury and style, demonstrating how they can adapt to a wide range of environments. Dedar’s “More is More” collection, for example, offers a modern reinterpretation of these classics, combining tradition and innovation in a unique and surprising way.

Bouclé furnishing fabric Magnolia collection by Dedar for indoor curtains
Winter fabrics such as Dedar’s bouclé can also be used to make indoor curtains
Armchair upholstered in tartan fabric from the More is More collection by Dedar
The tartan furnishing fabric from Dedar’s More is More collection combines tradition and innovation on classic fabrics

Alpaca and mohair: softness and warmth

Alpaca and mohair fabrics stand out for their extraordinary softness and warmth, making them ideal choices for adding a touch of luxury and comfort to interiors during the winter months. These materials, known for their superior insulating properties and soft texture, are perfect for creating plaids, blankets and pillows that invite relaxation and comfort.

Alpaca and mohair, with their rich texture and natural warmth, offer a pleasant and luxurious tactile experience. Plaids and blankets made from these materials are not only functional for keeping warm, but are also design pieces that add a touch of elegance to any room. They can transform a sofa or armchair into an invitation to snuggle up during cold winter evenings, creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

Winter colors and shades: inspiration from nature

The color palette of winter draws directly from nature, creating an atmosphere that reflects the serenity and beauty of the season. These colors, ranging from delicate shades of whites and beiges to warm browns and grays, evoke a sense of peace and tranquility, which are essential for creating a cozy and relaxing environment during the colder months.

These natural colors go beautifully with materials such as light wood, for example white oak or birch, which lend brightness and a sense of space to interiors. The use of fabrics in these shades, both for furniture and for accessories such as pillows and blankets, creates a harmonious environment that balances elegance and comfort.

The choice of furnishing fabrics for winter goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is an invitation to create a comfortable and relaxing refuge, a place where warmth is combined with elegance, reflecting the spirit of the season and the essence of those who inhabit the home. Each fabric, with its particular texture and color, helps weave the tale of a cozy winter, inviting moments of relaxation and domestic coziness.

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